Environmental Management

Basic Approach

 The IWATSU Group considers the resolution of climate change and other environmental issues to be an important factor in achieving a sustainable society, and we are working to reduce the impact of our business activities on the environment under the following environmental policy.

Environmental Policy

The IWATSU Group will contribute to achieving a sustainable society by working to conserve natural capital through our business activities.

  1. As specific initiatives against climate change, we will work to reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions of greenhouse gases.
     (Achievement of SBT-Certified Reduction Targets)
  2. We will provide environmentally-friendly products and services, and endeavor to reduce environmental impact over the lifecycle of products and services.
  3. We will strive to prevent environmental pollution, conserve biodiversity, efficiently use resources, and promote their circulation, thus endeavoring to reduce the environmental impact of the activities of our business sites.
  4. We will comply with legal and other requirements.
    • Laws and regulations related to the environment
    • Environmental ordinances of regional local governments
    • Other requirements that the IWATSU Group consents to
  5. We will continuously improve our environmental management systems, and endeavor to enhance environmental performance.

ESG Promotion System

 In the IWATSU Group, we have created an Environmental Management System (EMS) based on ISO 14001, and we are now operating and managing this system as part of our efforts to improve environmental performance.
 Under the direction of the manager responsible for the EMS, the Group Secretariat coordinates with each department and internal auditors to monitor environmental performance, the status of compliance with laws and regulations, the effectiveness of our activities, etc., through internal audits and management reviews.

Environmental management system promotion organization chart

Status of acquisition of ISO 14001 certification

Company name Status of acquisition Certification body / number Certification application site

JIC Quality Assurance Ltd. / E1871 Kugayama, Sales Site
Iwatsu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Aizu, Sukagawa, Izumizaki, Tochigi, Kugayama

Kugayama, Kita-Kanto
IWATSU Business Services Co., Ltd.


Tohtsu Industry Co., Ltd.

Dentsu Service Co., Ltd.


- -
groxi Inc.


- -


○: Acquisition as Group certification by the head office of IWATSU ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
●: Acquisition on an individual certification basis Iwatsu (Malaysia) SdnBhd operates an EMS promotion system that it has developed separately to the Company’s domestic operations

Environmental Performance

 Through such measures as increasing the efficiency of production processes, energy-conservation activities, and resource-conservation activities, the IWATSU Group works to reduce the impact of our production activities on the environment, while also engaging in activities to monitor and improve various types of environmental performance.
 The key trend in the environmental performance of the IWATSU Group between fiscal 2018 and fiscal 2021 is shown in the chart on the right.
 In fiscal 2021, we successfully reduced our total energy input, as well as Scope 1 and 2 emissions, compared with the previous fiscal year.
 In fiscal 2020, our total water resource intake and waste output fell because utilization dropped as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but they increased again in fiscal 2021 compared with the previous fiscal year because utilization recovered.
 Furthermore, in fiscal 2021, our environmental efficiency index (CO2 emissions per 100 million yen in revenue) was 22.75, an improvement of 11.28% compared with the previous fiscal year, when it was 25.64.

Environmental Efficiency Index

  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Notes
Capital [million yen]





Consolidated revenue [100 million yen]





Total energy input [GJ]





Used the calorific value conversion coefficient in the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Transition to Non-fossil Energy, etc.





Converted at 1 [GJ] = 0.2778 [MWh]
Sale of electricity generated from solar power [MWh]





Electric power generated at Iwatsu Izumizaki Mega Solar Power Plant
Use of chemical substances [tons]





Plant sites in Japan and overseas
Water resource intake [m3]





IWATSU head office and plant sites in Japan and overseas
Sale of key products [tons]





Scope 1 and 2 emissions [tons of CO2]





Total wastewater [m3]





Head office and plant sites in Japan and overseas
Substances subject to PRTR Emissions (tons)





Amount reported at plant sites in Japan
Amount moved [tons]





VOC emissions (tons)





Plant sites in Japan
Total waste output (tons)





IWATSU head office and plant sites in Japan
Recycling rate [%]





IWATSU head office and plant sites in Japan
Environmental efficiency indicator





CO2 emissions [t-CO2] / revenue [100 million yen]

Environmental impact material balance in the IWATSU Group

  • Used the calorific value conversion coefficient in the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Transition to Non-fossil Energy, etc., for purchased electric power and fuel
  • Converted at 1 [kWh] = 0.0036 [GJ] for solar power used in-house  
  • Gas: City gas and LPG  
  • Fuel: Fuel oil, diesel oil, kerosene, gasoline, and other liquid fuel 
  • Chemical substances: Use at plant sites in Japan and overseas  
  • Water (potable water and ground water): IWATSU head office and plant sites in Japan and overseas  
  • Scope 2 emissions: Calculated using market standards   
  • Waste: IWATSU head office and plant sites in Japan  
  • VOC: Output at plant sites in Japan   
  • Substances subject to PRTR: Total amount reported at plant sites in Japan  
  • Wastewater: IWATSU head office and plant sites in Japan and overseas (replaced with water use in cases where the amount of wastewater is unclear)

Overview of Activities (Organizations with EMS Certification in Japan)

■ Internal audits

 The IWATSU Group conducts internal audits overseen by the head office of IWATSU ELECTRIC once a year, in which we confirm the conformity and effectiveness of our EMS.

[Implementation time] August to October 2021
[Subject] 14 sites across six companies (IWATSU Group, in Japan)
[Results] No major non-conforming items

■ External inspections

 Once a year, the IWATSU Group receives an external inspection of the conformity and effectiveness of our EMS from a certification body. We correct or rectify any non-conforming items within a predetermined period. Each department considers ways to respond to opportunities for improvement, and they are confirmed in internal audits.

[Implementation time] May 2021
[Certification body] JIC Quality Assurance Ltd.
[Results] Non-conforming items: 0; opportunities for improvement: 19

■ Management review

 Twice a year, the IWATSU Group Secretariat leads management reviews within the Group. Environmental performance, the status of compliance with environmental laws and regulations, points for improvement, and other related matters are reported to senior management.

[Implementation time] April 2021 (summary for the previous fiscal year)
       January 2022 (internal audit report)

■ Environmental education

 In order to effectively operate our EMS, we plan and execute environmental education and awareness-raising activities.

Status of implementation in fiscal 2021

Name of education or awareness-raising activity Number of participants (people)
Education for new employees (overview of EMS) 20
Monthly environmental education (waste management, SDS, chemical substance management) 82
Waste management at sales sites 17
Company-wide education related to waste (e-learning) All employees
Advance education for internal audits 72
New internal auditor development education 14

■ External communication

 We disclose information related to the environment in this sustainability report. We also endeavor to appropriately respond to inquiries, requests, etc., from stakeholders through internal communication with relevant departments.

■ Response to environmental laws and regulations

 We perform regular checks for amendments to environmental laws and regulations, etc., and endeavor to respond appropriately to obligations related to filings, reports, etc., as well as licensing, permission, and approval requirements, etc.

Status of compliance of ISO 14001-certified organizations (Japan)

Law, regulation, etc. Kugayama Aizu Sukagawa Izumizaki Tochigi Hachioji Sales sites
Air Pollution Control Act - - -
Noise Regulation Act -
Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act
Fire Service Act (Hazardous Materials)
Act on the Assessment Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (PRTR System)
Purification Tank Act - - - -
Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes - - -
Prefectural ordinances

Management of chemical substances in products and environmentally-friendly products

■ Management of chemical substances in products

 The IWATSU Group works to reduce harmful chemical substances in our products, through compliance with laws and regulations in Japan, as well as laws and regulations overseas, such as the RoHS Directive and REACH regulation in Europe. Specifically, we clarify substances subject to laws and regulations and voluntary controls, which are covered by internal regulations, and thoroughly manage them.
 IWATSU ELECTRIC participates in the Joint Article Management Promotion-consortium (JAMP), and conducts surveys of chemicals in products in the supply chain using “chemSHERPA*,” a survey tool provided by JAMP. We also survey the status of inclusion of five substances controlled under the US TSCA PBT regulations in our products, as part of our endeavor to reduce environmental impact associated with chemical substances.

  • A system that was developed under the leadership of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for communicating information related to chemical substances in products in the supply chain. This system succeeds and integrates the former JAMP AIS and JGPSSI systems.

■ Environmental assessments

 In order to reduce the impact of products designed, manufactured, and sold by the IWATSU Group on the global environment, we perform environmental assessments that take into consideration the product lifecycle of new products. When designing products, we compare them with equivalent existing products and take steps to assess and improve them, including conserving resources, recycling resources, making it easier to recycle products, conserving energy, and controlling the use of harmful chemical substances.

Environmental assessment items
・ Recyclable rate
・ Ease of separation
・ Standardization rate
・ Rate of miniaturization and volume reduction
・ Energy reduction rate
・ Classification and material labeling
・ Environmental safety
・ Degradability assessment
・ Consideration of disposal safety・ Recycling labeling
・ Ease of removal

■ IWATSU Eco Label

 We have created the Eco Label as a form of declaration based on our own standards, for products designed, manufactured, and sold by the IWATSU Group.
 The standards for granting this label (environmental impact items) include required items and items for consideration, and products that satisfy both standards are granted the Eco Label. At present, we are revising the standards for granting the Eco Label to take into consideration SBT-certified targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and plastic resource circulation. We plan to begin using the new standards from fiscal 2023.

Response to Climate Change Problems

Basic Approach

 The IWATSU Group considers the response to increasingly severe climate change problems as a key issue for the achievement of a sustainable society, and we have identified three areas of key sustainability issues related to the environment. We have also determined six themes for our activities related to these areas of key sustainability issues.
 As we work to achieve these themes for our activities, we will contribute to realizing “carbon neutrality by 2050,” as set forth by the Japanese government, by promoting the reduction of GHG emissions in the value chain, with measures centered on SBT certification and the TCFD recommendations, such as energy conservation activities at business sites, consideration of the introduction of renewable energy, reductions in electric power consumption for our products, and collaboration with trading partners.
 At the same time, we will closely follow the latest information related to climate change problems, as well as policy and industry trends, and increase the feasibility of our efforts by reflecting this information in the measures of the IWATSU Group.

Initiatives to Acquire SBT Certification

 In order to respond to climate change in a concrete way, in December 2021, the IWATSU Group submitted a Commitment Letter to the “SBTi*1,” indicating our aim to acquire certification within two years.
 For Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we have estimated business-as-usual (BAU) emissions for fiscal 2030 using fiscal 2020 as the base year, and formulated emissions reduction targets for fiscal 2030 under the 1.5°C target standard (see chart on the right). We are currently calculating Scope 3 emissions, and plan to promote the reduction of GHG emissions after setting emissions reduction targets based on the results of this calculation.

  • 1 An international initiative jointly established by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), and the United Nations Global Compact. This initiative calls on companies to set science-based targets for reducing emissions, aimed at a target of limiting the average global increase in temperatures to 1.5°C compared with before the industrial revolution
  • 2 Set based on the reduction when the target electric power CO2 emissions factor for 2030 of 0.37/kgCO2 set forth by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan is applied, resulting in a 24% reduction from the electric power CO2 emissions factor in 2020 (vs. actual).
  • 3 In the event that no additional measures are taken (business as usual)

Support for the TCFD

 In August 2022, the IWATSU Group announced our support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).* Going forward, we will disclose information based on the recommendations of the TCFD, in relation to areas such as the identification of risks and opportunities related to climate change, scenario analysis, and governance.

* An international initiative established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) of the G20 in 2015, in order to enhance the disclosure of information concerning the financial impact of climate-related risks and opportunities

Reduction in CO2 emissions

 As energy-conservation measures, the IWATSU Group implements initiatives such as cutting electric power use at peak hours, Cool Biz, Warm Biz, and the automatic turning off of lights in areas where there are no people, on an ongoing basis. We reduced CO2 emissions in fiscal 2021 by 292 tons (5.25%) compared with the previous fiscal year.

*1 Emissions from the Kugayama site include emissions associated with company cars belonging to the sales office of IWATSU ELECTRIC CO., LTD., as well as the emissions of IWATSU Business Services Co., Ltd. and IWATSU SYSTEM & SOFTWARE CO., LTD.*2 From fiscal 2021, emissions from the Kugayama site and the sales site include emissions from the head office of IWATSU NETWORK SOLUTION CO., LTD. and emissions from the Kita-Kanto sales office, respectively.In addition, the Company monitors CO2 emissions per 100 million yen of revenue as an indicator of environmental efficiency, and we pursue efficiency in both environmental and economic terms.

[tons of CO2]

Company name Site FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021



2,074 2,212 2,157 1,883

Sales sites

81 75 76 74


2,154 2,287 2,232 1,957

Iwatsu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


70 69 73 68


1,068 1,001 860 834


1,014 947 952 879


789 688 550 594

2,941 2,705 2,435 2,376

Tohtsu Industry Co., Ltd.


48 45 45 47

groxi Inc.

68 70 61 61

Dentsu Service Co., Ltd.

84 80 77 75

Iwatsu (Malaysia) SdnBhd

838 691 715 757

IWATSU Group total

6,134 5,878 5,565 5,273

Environmental efficiency indicator: CO2 emissions [t-CO2] / revenue [100 million yen]

29.42 26.37 25.64 22.75

■ Scope 1 and 2 emissions

 Trends in the Scope 1 and 2 emissions of the IWATSU Group between fiscal 2018 and 2021 are as follows.
 Note, when calculating emissions for Malaysia using the location standard, emissions factors have been replaced with those for Japan.

Classification 2018
fiscal year
fiscal year
fiscal year
fiscal year

Scope 1 emissions

1,467 1,484 1,311 1,251

Scope 2 emissions


4,667 4,394 4,254 4,022


4,587 4,304 4,090 3,895

■ Sources of CO2 emissions

 Sources of CO2 emissions by the IWATSU Group include electric power, gas, fuel (fuel oil, diesel oil, kerosene, and gasoline), and other types of fuel Other liquid fuel includes organic solvents abated by combustion with VOC abatement systems.*

Distribution of CO2 emissions sources (fiscal 2021)
  • Heat storage-type deodorizing systems: Installed on Tochigi site coater dryers

■ Iwatsu Izumizaki Mega Solar Power Plant

 IWATSU ELECTRIC operates the Iwatsu Izumizaki Mega Solar Power Plant, which covers an area of approximately 34,500 m2 at our Izumizaki site, and has a generation capacity of approximately 2 MW.
 This power plant began operating in October 2013, and we contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from the regional community by selling the power generated to electric power companies using the feed-in tariff scheme for renewable energy.
 In fiscal 2021, we generated and sold 2,436 MWh of electric power, equivalent to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 1,104 tons.

  • Calculated using the replacement values for emissions factors for each electricity company (actual data for fiscal 2020)

Iwatsu Izumizaki Mega Solar Power Plant

Actual Energy Usage

The energy usage of the IWATSU Group between fiscal 2018 and 2021 is as follows.
In fiscal 2021, we reduced energy usage by 2,084 GJ (579 MWh) compared with the previous fiscal year.

By type of energy 2018
fiscal year
fiscal year
fiscal year
fiscal year

Purchased electric power

91,469 87,933 86,765 85,654

In-house consumption of solar power

501 486 489 492

Subtotal (electric power)

91,970 88,419 87,254 86,146

City gas

4,925 5,920 6,122 3,937


2,998 3,111 2,366 2,801

Fuel oil

4,497 4,271 3,635 3,836

Diesel oil

318 330 454 478


209 165 153 161


5,805 6,405 5,523 5,372

Other liquid fuels

3,333 2,673 2,175 2,867

Subtotal (fuel)

22,086 22,875 20,429 19,453



114,055 111,294 107,683 105,599


31,685 30,918 29,914 29,335

Breakdown of energy usage in fiscal 2021

Energy used for heating, steam, and cooling

The IWATSU Group uses heating, steam, and cooling generated from fuel for the following applications.

■ Examples of applications

  • Heating: Heating spaces, kitchens, company cars, drying furnaces
  • Steam: Drying furnaces, steam boilers, humidification
  • Cooling: Air-conditioning (hot and cold water generators)

 Fuel used by the IWATSU Group for heating, steam, and cooling in fiscal 2021 was as follows.

Steam generation

Fuel Calorific value [GJ] Calorific value [MWh]

City gas

1,072 298


2,240 622

Other liquid fuels

2,390 664


5,703 1,584


Fuel Calorific value [GJ] Calorific value [MWh]

City gas

2,747 763

Fuel oil

3,836 1,066


6,584 1,829
  • Used the calorific value conversion coefficient in the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Transition to Non-fossil Energy, etc.
    Converted at 1 [GJ] = 0.2778 [MWh]
    Other liquid fuel refers to organic solvents combusted with VOC abatement systems (heat storage-type deodorizing systems).

Heat generation

Fuel Calorific value [GJ] Calorific value [MWh]

Diesel oil

478 133


161 45


5,372 1,492

City gas

118 33


561 156


6,690 1,858

Energy used for heating, steam, and cooling

Chemical Substance Management

■ Management of Use of Chemical Substances

 The IWATSU Group uses chemical substances such as solder, organic solvents, and paint as auxiliary materials for manufacturing business telephones, test and measurement equipment, and printing systems devices. Supplies for printing systems devices supplied by the Company are also chemical products, and approximately 90% of the chemical substances used by the IWATSU Group are used when manufacturing these products.
 The IWATSU Group uses chemical substance management records to ascertain and manage the amounts of chemical substances used, etc.

Use of chemical substances

  • This data aggregates chemical substances used in manufacturing and repair processes. The following three companies are covered.
    • Iwatsu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    • Tohtsu Industry Co., Ltd.
    • Iwatsu (Malaysia)Sdn Bhd

■ Notification of Substances Subject to PRTR

 As part of our response to the Act on the Assessment Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement, the IWATSU Group monitors and manages the amounts of class I designated chemical substances handled, output, moved, etc.
 In fiscal 2021, the IWATSU Group used 17 substances categorized as class I designated chemical substances under this law.
 We submitted notifications for the following class I designated chemical substances: 1-bromopropane, toluene, exylene, and ethylbenzene (Izumizaki site), and toluene and exylene (Tochigi site).

Notification amounts for substances subject to PRTR

■ SDS for supplies for printing systems devices

 For supplies used in printing systems devices, the IWATSU Group endeavors to provide safety information to customers through GHS labels, precautions at the time of use and disposal, etc., by publishing Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) on the IWATSU website.

  • Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) refers to the harmonizing of classification standards, labels, and Safety Data Sheets for each type of chemical hazard, and the provision of this information as unified global rules

Prevention of Environmental Pollution

■ Initiatives to prevent air pollution

 The IWATSU Group endeavors to control the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are contributors to photochemical smog and suspended particulate matter (SPM).
 Among IWATSU Group facilities, coater dryers at our Tochigi site are specified facilities subject to controls on the emission of VOCs. These coater dryers have heat storage-type deodorizing systems installed, which use heat to decompose VOCs emitted and detoxify them before emission.
 IWATSU Group companies in Japan also participate in the “Continuous Survey on the Status of VOC Emissions by Four Electrical Machinery and Electronics Organizations,” and endeavor to monitor and control emissions of 20 applicable VOC substances.

VOC abatement system in the Tochigi site

Fiscal year 2018 2019 2020 2021
Emissions concentration 350 370 430 350
  • Emissions standard concentration: 600 [ppmC]

Amount of VOCs handled and emitted

■ Initiatives to prevent soil pollution

 The IWATSU Group does not have any specified facilities under the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act.
 At our Izumizaki and Tochigi sites, however, we have underground tanks where we store fuel oil and organic solvents. At our Sukagawa, Izumizaki, and Tochigi sites, we also have outside storage facilities for type IV hazardous materials.
 The IWATSU Group designates any leaks of hazardous materials from underground tanks, outside storage facilities, etc., as emergencies, and prepares for such emergencies by holding emergency response drills at each site.

■ Initiatives to prevent water contamination

 We have installed purification tanks at our Aizu, Sukagawa, and Izumizaki sites, and we perform regular inspections of purification tanks, while also monitoring water quality at final discharge points.
 When inspecting water quality at final discharge points, we check that hydrogen ion concentration and biological oxygen demand (BOD), etc., are below reference levels.

Water Resource Management

■ Initiatives to conserve water resources

 The IWATSU Group uses both potable water and ground water in our business activities.
 At each site, we take steps to reduce water intake on an ongoing basis, through measures such as controls on water usage in air-conditioning systems with Cool Biz and Warm Biz campaigns, and water conservation activities by individuals.
 In fiscal 2021, the IWATSU Group took in 35,071 m3 of water resources, an increase of 4,224 m3 from fiscal 2020.
 This increase was due to the recovery of normal operating status, after utilization fell in fiscal 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • For sites where the amount of wastewater is unclear, we have used the amount of water intake as the amount of wastewater.
  • Buildings owned and leased by the IWATSU Group refer to rental properties owned by IWATSU ELECTRIC.
  • Overseas sites refer to Iwatsu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

■ Water risk assessment

The IWATSU Group uses the “Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas” to assess water risk at the IWATSU head office and plant sites where water intake is high.
In our assessment, we confirmed that the region where the IWATSU Group engages in business activities does not face a high level of water stress.
As part of efforts to ascertain the level of flooding risk, we also checked hazard maps for each site.

  • Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
    An information tool provided free of charge by the World Resources Institute (WRI) that maps global water risk. The current version is 3.0 (released in 2019)

Biodiversity and Forest Conservation

■ Direct impact of business activities on biodiversity

 We have not identified any IWATSU Group business activities that have a significant direct impact on biodiversity.
 We believe, however, that we have an indirect impact on biodiversity in areas such as rising temperatures caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, ocean acidification, droughts, harmful chemical substances and industrial waste output by our business activities, and the problem of plastic waste, which has attracted attention as a major environmental issue in recent years.
 Under this belief, we are engaged in the following activities, which we believe contribute to conserving biodiversity.

Initiatives related to conserving biodiversity
  1. Climate change initiatives (reduction of greenhouse gases)
  2. Reduction in use of harmful chemical substances such as VOCs, PRTR substances, and RoHS substances
  3. Compliance with reference levels for emission into the air and water
  4. Reduction in waste by promoting resource circulation

■ Initiatives aimed at the sustainable use of forest resources

 The IWATSU Group offers some types of Master Paper used in reprographic devices, one of our printing system products, as products that use FSC-certified materials and managed materials, as we obtained FSCⓇ-CoC certification for these products in September 2016. The applicable Master Paper is manufactured at the Tochigi Business Site of Iwatsu Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 At the purchasing stage, we confirm that the paper is made from wood from responsibly managed forests, and we also manage separation to ensure that no paper made from wood from non-managed forests is mixed in during the Master Paper production process. In this way, we provide our customers with an FSC-certified product.

  • IWATSU Group business sites with FSCⓇ Certification:
    IWATSU ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Sales Dept. No. 1 [FSCⓇC131860] (Main Site)
    Iwatsu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Tochigi Business Site (Sub Site)
  • FSCⓇ: Forest Stewardship CouncilⓇ
    An international NGO that operates a forest certification system related to forests producing timber around the world, as well as processes for the distribution and processing of timber harvested from those forests
    FSCⓇ certification is an international certification system aimed at spreading appropriate forest management that is economically sustainable, while also being appropriate from the perspective of environmental conservation and consistent with social interests.
    There are two types of certification: FM (Forest Management) and CoC (Chain of Custody (processing and distribution processes)).
    Consumers can indirectly support global forest conservation by purchasing products that have the FSC mark.

■ Internal systems related to social contribution activities

 The IWATSU Group has created a multi-purpose special leave system, which employees can use when participating in forest volunteering and other social contribution activities aimed at environmental conservation.

Resource Circulation

■ Recycling designs for IWATSU products

 In product assessments related to products developed by IWATSU, the IWATSU Group sets and assesses the following criteria related to recycling.
 Products developed by IWATSU must satisfy the following criteria related to recycling.

  • Recyclable rate
  • Ease of separation
  • Degradability
  • Ease of removal of secondary batteries
  • Unification of materials
  • Classification and material labeling
  • Recycling labeling for secondary batteries

 We are currently revising these recycling-related criteria in product assessments in light of the enactment of the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics and the IWATSU Group’s “initiatives targeting resource circulation,” one of the activity themes of our key sustainability issues.

■ Promotion of recycling of portable rechargeable batteries

 IWATSU ELECTRIC and Tohtsu Industry are contributing to resource recycling based on the Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources, by participating in JBRC, Inc. and collecting and recycling portable rechargeable batteries under the recycling scheme operated by JBRC.
 The batteries collected under this scheme include the following batteries used in products such as IWATSU-manufactured on-premises PHS systems.

  • Nickel cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd)
  • Nickel metal hydride batteries (Ni-MH)
  • Lithium-ion batteries
  • JBRC, Inc.
    A body that conducts joint recycling activities for portable rechargeable batters sold and provided by its members (manufacturers of portable rechargeable batteries and the devices that use those batteries, importers, etc.), based on the “Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources.”

■ Heat recovery with VOC abatement system

 At our Tochigi site, in order to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs), we recover generated heat with heat storage-type deodorizing systems attached to our coater dryers, and reuse it as a heat source for our boilers.
 In fiscal 2021, we actually used 44 tons of LPG (butane), compared with the 62 tons that would have been required if we had not recovered this heat, thus successfully reducing LPG usage by 18 tons.

■ Distillation and reuse of organic solvents

 We have installed a distillation and recovery system at our Tochigi site to enable us to reuse organic solvents such as toluene, which are used to clean manufacturing equipment. Using this equipment allowed us to reuse 9,300 liters of organic solvents in fiscal 2021.

■ Waste management

 Waste output and recycling rates at IWATSU ELECTRIC (Kugayama site) and our plant sites in Japan in fiscal 2021 were as follows.

Waste output


Site Target Actual Assessment


200 110


4.9 2.7


40 45



280 283



111 118



7.8 7.8


643.7 566.6

Recycling rate

Site Target Actual Assessment


98%+ 0.999


75%+ 0.731



88.4%+ 0.902


99.7%+ 0.966



99%+ 0.994


99.9%+ 0.999


92.0%+ 0.973

Total output, total amount recycled, final disposal amount


Total output Total amount recycled Final disposal amount
567 551 16

 We did not achieve our target in fiscal 2021 because waste increased at plant sites as production volume recovered after falling during the COVID-19 pandemic in fiscal 2020.
 We also did not achieve our target for the recycling rate at our Izumizaki site because plastic container and packaging materials that we were previously able to recycle became subject to treatment as industrial waste.
 The recycling rate also includes thermal recycling. Increasing the quality of recycling, through changing to material recycling, etc., is an issue for the IWATSU Group.

■ Appropriate management of PCB waste

 The IWATSU Group appropriately manages and systematically disposes of PCB waste stored by IWATSU ELECTRIC and Iwatsu Manufacturing.

PCB waste managed by the IWATSU Group

Type Concentration Storage site
Fluorescent light stabilizers High concentration Kugayama, Sukagawa
Transformers Low concentration Kugayama, Aizu, Sukagawa, Izumizaki
Capacitors High and low concentration Kugayama, Sukagawa
Reactors Low concentration Kugayama

 We have registered high-concentration PCB waste (fluorescent light stabilizers and capacitors) with JESCO (Japan Environmental Storage & Safety Corporation), and expect to complete disposal by March 2023.
 We are also disposing of low-concentration PCB waste at facilities certified by the Minister of the Environment and facilities licensed by prefectural governors.

  • JESCO (Japan Environmental Storage & Safety Corporation)
    A special company fully funded by the national government that processes PCB waste, which was previously performed by intermediary storage operators contracted by the national government, etc., and the former Japan Environmental Safety Corporation